Music Lessons

About our Music Program

Fortissimo Academy of Music offers music lessons for all ages and levels.  We structure our lessons based on each student’s individual strengths and weakness to help them excel in their goals for learning music.  

 Learning music correctly is something that is very important because it is the foundation in which you build on.  Like they say, fixing a bad habit is always harder than learning something new.  On the contrary, a bad habit can be always fixed if done the correct way.

Fortissimo Academy believes enjoying music is the most important factor.  Without it, one will never be motivated to want to grow in music.

When taking lessons, challenges commonly arise and many students often get discouraged.  One of the main challenge is the ability to sight-read.  This is in fact one of the top reasons why students often get dispirited from music whether they are children or adults.  Once you learn how to read music, students will often try to learn new songs all by themselves.  Isn’t that the main goal for many?  To play musical pieces all on their own whether it be popular or classical.

Nevertheless, similar to a wonderful recipe it’s a combination of “ingredients” that makes it great.  Since each individual student is different, lessons are tailored based on their strengths, weaknesses, and interests.  We will choose, combine or invent materials and approaches that work best for the student.

Remember, music is supposed to be fun but also requires effort from both teacher and student.


Call today: 248-805-1647